Self-care for the Immune System

Nature-made immune system comprises billions of diverse cells ready to overpower pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Our immune cells are controlled by a delicate balance of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory proteins. How can we take extra care of the immune system?
There are many self-care practices which can nurture the immune defenses. For example, did you know that:
- Sleep is important for the immunological memory and can also reduce infection risks.1
- Listening to music can improve immune functions.2
- Moderate physical exercise can reduce upper respiratory infections.3
- Breathing exercises reduce pro-inflammatory markers and increase natural killer (NK) immune cells.4
- Practicing yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong has positive effects on the innate and adaptive immune system.5
Nature supports our immune system. Being in the forest for 3-5 days (so called forest bathing) can increase levels of natural killer NK cells.6 Aromatherapy with essential oils from citrus, eucalyptus and ginger can balance and enhance immune system activities.7
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Can nutrition help to improve our immune defenses against viral infections, epidemics and pandemics? Vitamins A and D influence production of specific immune cells, while probiotics are effective in the prevention and treatment of viral infections.8
Did you know that elderberry syrup has antiviral properties as shown in randomized controlled clinical trials?9 Anthocyanins and flavonoids from elderberry can do both: (1) render the virus and block its entry into cells, and (2) boost antiviral responses of the immune system.9 Elderberry has been suggested to help fight coronavirus.10 How nice would it be to see whether standardized (and yummy!) elderberry extract can support prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infections, when evaluated in large-scale, randomized controlled trials.
(BTW, if you wish to learn more about nutrition and other natural ways to fight viral and bacterial infections, please explore the e-book How to Strengthen Your Inner Shield written by Cynthia Li, MD).
And last but not least, let’s protect our immune system by avoiding chronic stress, air pollution, unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyles.11
In conclusion, let’s empower our immune defenses with daily love. May our self-care formula include sleeping, relaxing, listening to music, staying active and… healthy eating.
Please enjoy benefits of daily self-care today and tomorrow.
Thank you, best wishes and stay well,
P.S. Our next blog will explore health benefits of yoga. Please stay tuned for more insights and inspirations…
2. Brain Behav Immune 2014; Trends Cogn Sci 2013; Med Princ Pract 2012; Biol Psychol 2000
3. J Sport Health Sci 2019
4. Ann NY Acad Sci 2006; BMC Compliment Altern Med 2016
5. J Behav Med 2018; Psychoneuroendocrinology 2013; Evid-based Complement Altern Med 2018; Medicines 2017
6. Oncotarget 2018; Environ Health Prev Med 2010
7. Molecules 2019; Neuroimmunomodulation 1995
8. Nat Rev Immunol 2008; Curr Pharm Des 2018; Nutrients 2020
9. Complement Ther Med 2019; J Int Med Res 2004; Phytother Res 2017
10. Autoimmune Rev 2020
11. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; Environ Int 2019; Psychol Bull 2004; Immunity 2019